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Unit 5 

Monday 25th May 2020

Hi Guys:

How was your weekend?

These are the solutions of your homework.

Ejercicios corregidos lunes 25 5.png

For today you have to do two review worksheets. This is the end of the unit . Tomorrow we

 will start a Natural Sciences unit.

Friday 22nd May 2020

Good Morning !

These are the answers of your homework:

A. Dolmen

B. Menhir

C. Cromlech



For this weekend you have to do exercises 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 and 6 from pages 82 and 83.

In addition you have to choose one megalithic monument and do it using plasticine . Take a photo and send it to me via class dojo. 

You also have to do this exercise in your notebook.

Este fin de semana tenéis que hacer los ejercicios 1,2,3,4,5,6 de las páginas 82 y 83 . 

Además tenéis que elegir un monumento megalítico y hacerlo con plastelina. 

Y también tenéis que hacer este ejercicio en vuestro cuaderno . 

Ejercicio de repaso social 41.PNG

Thursday 21st May 2020

Hi guys: 

I am going to correct your exercises. 

Exercise two page 79

  • A Sail

  • B Wheel

  • C Plough

Exercise three page 79: 

We use all the invetions from the Metal Ages but  they have changed and now they work faster such us plough or sail. The wheel now is made of plastic so it is lighter. 

Now you have to read page 80. 

People of the Metal Ages built megalithic monuments.

They used enormous stones to build monuments with religious or burial uses. 

There were three types of Megalithic monuments . 

  • Menhirs: They were formed by an upright and standing rock. They were used for religious purposes

  • Dolmens: They were built using three big rocks . Two of them were supporting the other one . They were used for burial purposes. 

  • Cromlechs: They were circles of stones used as sanctuaries. 

La gente en la edad de los metales construyó monumentos. Se llaman monumentos megalíticos. Estos monumentos se usaban con fines funerarios o religiosos. Hay tres tipos :

  • Menires: están formados por una gran roca vertical . Servían para usos religiosos.

  • Dólmenes: Eran enterramientos compuestos por dos piedras verticales que sujetaban una piedra más plana.Se usaban como enterramientos.

  • Crómlech: Son círculos compuestos de menires que se usaban como santuario. 

For today you have to copy this escheme and do the exercise number one from page 80. 

Pág 80.PNG

Tenéis que copiar este esquema y hacer el ejercicio 1 de la página 80 en vuestro cuaderno. 

El ejercicio 1 es un listening aquí os dejo el audio. 

Aquí tenéis un vídeo del Cromlech de Stonehenge

Tuesday, 19th May 2020

Good Morning!

I am so happy that most of you are working hard. 

These are the answers of your homework. 

Ejercicio 18 5 corregido.PNG

And now let´s talk about the inventions of the metal ages. 

The main invetions were :

  • The wheel. The wheel allow people to build charts and transport goods for trading.

  • Sail. People started to make boats . It was an easy way to transport people and goods by water. 

  • Plough. The plough allow people to grow more and more crops. Peole began to produce more cereals than they could eat and began to trade with them. 

Los principales inventos de la edad de los metales: 

  • La rueda: La rueda es posiblemente uno de los inventos más importantes de la humanidad. La invención de la rueda permitió crear carros y transportar bienes para comerciar.

  • La navegación. La navegación permitió transportar fácilmente pasadas cargas por ríos o costas. 

  • El arado. El arado hizo que se pudiera aumentar la superficie cultivable y que los agricultores pudieran cultivar más cereales de los que se comían. A eso lo llamamos excedente. Ese excedente facilitó que comerciaran. 

Now you have to copy this scheme in your notebook and you have to do exercises 2 and 3 from page 79.

Página 79.PNG

Monday 18th May 2020

Good Morning! 

How was your long weekend? 

Today I am going to explain you some features of metal ages. 

Let´s have a look at page 78. 

Pág 78.PNG

 People started to trade with metals . The exchanged animals , metal or jewelry . New jobs appeared such us soldiers , traders ...

Little villages turned into towns with walls to protect their inhabitants. People organized in groups with a chief . 

En la edad de los metales se desarrolló el comercio y aparecieron nuevos oficios como el de soldado y el oficio de comerciante. 

Los pueblos se transformaron en ciudades con muros para proteger a sus habitantes. Las personas en las ciudades se organizaron en grupos con un jefe. 

Now copy this scheme in your notebook and do exercise number 2  from page 78.

Thursday 14th May 2020

Hi Guys!

Let´s have a look at Metal Age: 

In the Metal Ages people began to make tools with metals. They found out metals in the nature , they melted them in very hot ovens called furnances , they gave them a shape and let them cool. 

People made many tools such us swords, knives , jewelry ... The stone and wood were repaced by metals . 

But how did they find metals? 

Poeple extracted metals from mines. There were many prehistoric mines in the Iberian Peninsula .


First the began to use Copper , but Copper is very soft . They mixed Copper with Tin  to make Bronze wich is harder than copper. The main problem was the Tin was difficult tu find. Finally the began to use Iron wich was easy to find and also hard. 

Now copy this secheme in your notebooks. 

Pág 76.png
Pág 77.png

Ahora vamos a hacer una línea del tiempo. En el cuadro vamos a rellenar las partes de la prehistoria con el momento en el que empezaron y después Los ordenaremos en nuestra línea del tiempo que está mas abajo. En la línea del tiempo también vamos a poner cada periodo de la prehistoria con el momento en el que empezó.

Deberes 14 5.PNG
Deberes 14 5 2.PNG

Wednesday 13th May 2020


These are your corrected exercises: 


Exercise 2 :

Are we nomads or sedentary today? Why? 

Today we are sedentary because we don´t need to move for getting food. 

And now let´s start the lesson. 

Last day I told you about the main features of Neolithic period. Today I am going to explain you about the inventions of this period. 

People became sedentary in Neolithic. That allowed them to have more time to think and develop tools. Life was easier than in the Paleolithic age and they could investigate about the use of new tools. 

New tools were invented : 

  • Pottery( Alfarería): It was developed to coock and to store food.

  • Hand Mill ( Piedra de moler) : It allowed them to obtain flour from grain. 

  • Loom ( telar)  : A new way of making clothes was  developed. People started to make cloth instead of wearing animals skins. 

  • Sickle( Hoz) : Allow people tu cut cereals. 

  • Plough ( Arado): Made posible growing crops. 

Ayer hablamos de las principales características del Neolítico. Hoy hablaremos de los inventos. 

Los humanos se volvieron sedentarios, ya que la agricultura requiere de cuidados . También comenzaron a domesticar animales como el perro , el caballo , la vaca , la cabra... El hecho de no tener que desplazarse para conseguir alimentos hizo la vida del ser humano más sencilla y le permitió tener tiempo para pensar y desarrollar nuevas tecnologías y herramientas . 

Surgieron nuevos inventos que cambiaron la vida de aquellas personas:


  • La Alfarería : La construcción de vasijas de barro , permitió almacenar comida y cocinar.

  • La piedra de moler o molino manual: Permitía obtener harina del grano que cultivaban.

  • El telar: Con el telar las personas ya podían fabricar sus propios tejidos y no tenían que vestir con pieles de animales. 

  • La hoz : se inventó para segar rápidamente los campos de cereal.

  • El arado : El arado permitió aumentar la superficie que se cultivaba haciendo surcos en el suelo. Además se desarrollo el arado tirado por animales ( caballos, bueyes, ...) que redujo el esfuerzo que suponía cultivar. 

Now read page 75 and copy this scheme in your notebook: 


Ahora hacer esta ficha 

Tuesday 12th May 2020.

Today we are going to study the Neolithic Age. But first watch this video . 

Life changed a lot in the Neolithic age. Human became sedentary . Farming was discovered and people didn´t have to hunt or collect never again . 

La vida cambió mucho en el Neolítico . La agricultura y la ganadería se descubrieron y la gente no tuvo que cazar o recolectar su comida. La agricultura hizo necesario establecerse en un lugar fijo para poder sembrar y cuidar los cultivos , por lo que el ser humano se volvió sedentario. Crecieron los asentamientos ( poblados) cerca de los ríos para poder regar los cultivos y hubo muchos avances tecnológicos. 

Now copy this schee in your notebook and do exercises 1 and 2 from page 74: 

Pag 74.PNG

Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning!

How was your weekend?

I hope you went for a walk.

I am going to correct the exercise that I gave you last friday.

Ejercicio1 pag 72.PNG

A. The Child of Gran Dolina

B. He is eleven years old.

C.He lives in Atapuerca Burgos.

D. He mentions horses, deer , wolves bears. 

Now let´s have a look at page 73. 

The Palaeolithic started 5 million years ago. People were nomads . They didn´t live in the same place all the time . The used to follow the animal they hunted such us deers. so they didn´t biuld houses . They used to live in caves or they built shelters using branches and animal skins.  

Live wasn´t easy for them . They discovered how to make tools . That helped them to hunt, sew, cut the meat in pieces, defend their homes...

They dicovered how to make fire and that was magnific. Fire allowed them to cook , to stay warm , to have light in the night, and to protect them from other animals such us bears or wolves. 

Paleolithic tools.PNG

Now read page 73 and copy this scheme in your notebook. 


Now you can look for some information in Spanish in this website:

You have to do this exercise ( recordar que sólo tenéis que poner el nombre y la ficha me llega automáticamente.) 

Friday 8th May 2020

Hi Guys!

I am going to correct the exercise 2 and 3 from page 71.


Exercise 2:

Hand mill : C

Sword: B

Atone scrapers:A


Exercise 3 : 

Paleolithic: A

Neolithic: C

Metal ages: B

For the weekend I want you to copy this scheme in your notebook and do exercise number one. It is a listening in wich you have to answer some questions. 

Para el fin de semana tenéis que leer la página 72 , copiar el esquema en vuestro cuaderno y hacer el ejercicio 1 . Es un listening, abajo de la foto os pongo el botón del listening. 



Pág 72.PNG

Thursday 7th May 2020

Good Morning!

Today we are beginning a new unit, unit 5 . In this unit we are going to study Prehistory in Spain .  

History is divided in two periods , prehistory and history. 

Prehistory is the longest period . It starts when the first humans appeared in the earth and it ends when the humans started to write. 

But how humans appeared in the earth ? 

This video shows the evolution of the humain being. 

How do we know what happened in this period? 

Archaeologists study historical events  finding historical evidences.  Archaeologists work in the achaeologist site digging in the ground to find out historical objects such us tools, bones , pottery...

Here you can see an archaeologist site . It is located in Atapuerca , Burgos Spain. There are many archaelogist digging in the place where some human being lived thousands  years ago. 


Now I want you to copy this scheme in your notebook. 


Here you have a video that explains the main periods in prehistory and how were them.

And now you have to do exercises 2 and 3 from page 71.

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Today we are going to start with unit 5 . Prehistory . It is an amazing unit. But first of all you have to copy this vocabulary in your notebooks. Please send me the photo via class dojo.

Vocab unit 5.png
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